Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's "wrong" with her????

What "wrong"  with her?

Well, she has what's called spina bifida and hydrocephalus. I put this in more simple terms, the way I've always explained it to individuals who don't exactly understand. This means her spine didn't fully close while she was in utero and she has excess fluid on her brain. It's not really that big of a deal to be honest. Yea, she doesn't walk. Quite simply put she's just like the rest of us, her legs just don't work.

This is the story I've told many, many, many, times growing up in response to the question, "What's "wrong" with her?" You see nothing is "wrong" with her. She is my sister, and I love her and she loves me back. It's hard to understand if you haven't been there. It's just not something you think about if you haven't been exposed to it your whole life. Nothing is "wrong", things are just different. And different isn't always bad.

You realize things you never noticed before. For example, just because a public place claims to be handicap accessible does not mean they necessarily are. Ramps are sometimes extremely too steep. And heavy doors can be a pain. Bathrooms are entirely too narrow, and steps are just ridiculous. Obstacles can most defiantly be overcome and challenges can be jumped like hurdles. God is in the big things, but it's even more fun to find Him in the small things. It's life. It's normal. It's mine.

Today I wonder what it's like for Nastya. She has spina bifida and hydrocephalus too. But I don't think she has a big sister. She doesn't have a family. She doesn't have a mom who will go to hell and back for her like my mom did and will continue to do for my baby sister. Who is there for Nastya? Who will be the one to let her know NOTHING is WRONG with her that she is not messed up or DISabled. Who will be there to tell her she is MORE THAN ABLE!! She is a princess too. Just like my baby sister. She is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of GOD ALMIGHTY!!!! She has worth and value and she is somebody cuz God don't make no junk!

My heart aches for this little princess. I want her to have a family. I want her to experience what it's like to know you are loved no matter what. To understand Christ's love. How His love is unconditional, never failing, always consistent, and always overflowing.......

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