Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Information

Hey guys!

I have some wonderful news!!!! Reece's Rainbow has now made it possible for the children who are 6 years old and above to have there own grants. Before, all money raised for an older child would go to a collective grant for "older children". But as of now, the "older children" can each have a grant specifically for them. This means that Little Miss Nastya can have her very own grant. And in my opinion this means that we have taken one step closer to finding her, as well as all of the other children on Reece's Rainbow, their forever families!!!!! If that doesn't get you excited I'm really not sure at this point what will!!

So in saying that I want to make everyone out there aware that fundraising for Little Miss Nastya will go into full swing. We have to find these children families!!! I have read too many stories, seen too many pictures, and had my heart broken way too many times to let this opportunity pass me by. Even if it means these children find families just one at a time, that is progress!!! And we just don't have any time left to waste! There are children crying, starving, dying even just because they have no parents.

We have to do something! I have to do something!!! I have seen pictures of an 11 year old little girl who weighs 10 pounds, and children who should be in elementary school the size of babies still in cribs !!! These children have stopped growing!  Some have just shut down! No child should have a life like the ones I have read about!

But now is the time! For such a time is this!! Like Esther, who was put in a royal position to save her people, I believe if we allow God to do it He will bring us all into a position to help save our people, our children. Join with me and be a voice for the children!! Thank you in advance for your support, your prayers, and everything that will be done on behalf of these children. You may never know where a single act of obedience may lead you. Be open. Be willing. Be obedient.


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