Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Joy of the Moment

One verse that comes to mind today is Philippians 4:11. This verse is strong and stands out for me. Especially after today. I knew going in to church today that I had to be there early. I help out in the nursery and there was a meeting for us before service.

After the meeting we went into service like we would normally do. Well today, a certain fellow spoke before the offering was given. This man stands very tall in my eyes. He is an elderly gentleman who always makes it a priority of his to remember everyone's name. I had met him only once before and when speaking to him a second time he called me by name when he addressed me. It doesn't sound like much but it meant allot to me. His faith and his actions really prove to me what it means to follow Christ.

This man told a story about unity. He told of a time long before engines. When ships had to be powered by individuals below deck. These people were usually slaves and they would all have to row in one accord in order for the boat to reach it's destination. If any one man tried to "go his own way" it would in turn throw off the unison and unity of the entire force.

Lately I have had a time trying to chase a few dreams I have. Now none of these dreams are bad in themselves nor would they be considered wrong. They are just things I would like for myself and my family.

But today I have learned something. A few things really, but this one I would like to share. As Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians he was sitting in jail. Most likely he was bound and from what I understand he was likely sitting on a cold hard floor. Not exactly the most comfortable position to be writing a letter. But nonetheless, the letter contained something special.

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." (Philippians 4:11) It's one thing to say you are content when you have enough. Enough money, enough kids, enough of a house, enough cars. You get it. But it is a total separate thing to say you are content when you are sitting in a jail sale.

I have learned today to make a choice. To play a very active role and do my part. I am going to choose to be content. Every day, and in this moment, to have joy. I am going to put aside my dreams and my wants to live in unity with the body of Christ. And that body starts right here in my own home. With my husband and my two little loves.

I am not sure where this road will take me, but I do know I want to follow Christ while walking it.


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