Friday, June 22, 2012

A Gift - Part One

There once was a beggar who lived near the gates of a kingdom. From where he lived he could see inside the gates, but was never able to go inside. This kingdom was the most magnificent the beggar had ever seen, or even imagined. It was beautiful. When he looked through the gate, the kingdom stretched as far as his eyes could see. There was a sea as clear as crystal. There were people everywhere all seeming to be happier than  the beggar had ever been. 

One day the beggar was walking home from the city. His feet were stained red from the dusty roads. When he got close to the city gate he seen something he had never seen before. THE KING!! And he was walking toward the gate.

The beggar was unsure what to do. The King could have the poor beggar killed just for sleeping near the kingdom gates. But fear wasn't in the beggars heart for long. As the King, in all his majesty, approached the gate he smiled at the beggar. You see, the king knew the beggar was living outside of the gates of His kingdom. And He wanted more for this poor man.

Opening the tall, strong, gate door the King came outside of the kingdom. He came to the poor beggars home. All that was there was a box the beggar had used for shelter and a few rags. The beggar was embarrassed and humbled to the point of tears. Then something amazing happened.

The King reached out his hand to the beggar. But something was in it. From what the beggar could tell it was a gift. Something small and shining. With a most humble spirit the beggar reached out and accepted the gift from the king. It was a ring. But not just any ring. It was the King's ring. This meant that when the beggar went to the city he would not have to beg anymore! Just by presenting the King's ring to a vendor the beggar could have his choice of anything for free. His food, his clothes, the materials to build shelter with, anything he desired, would be free to him. Having the King's ring meant having the King's wealth. This gift would change the beggar's life FOREVER!!!

But that wasn't the end of the king's gift! Along with the ring the King offered the beggar a room in his palace. To live in the kingdom, to be a part of the royal family, it was more that the beggar had ever dreamed!!! To belong somewhere, to have friends, to never be alone again, it was more than the poor man could handle. He burst into tears! Thankful beyond words, humbled to his core. Life for this man would never be the same!


Part  two will be up a little later!! You will not want to miss it!!!

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