Friday, June 22, 2012

A Gift - Part Two

Lately I've had something on my heart. And the best way I knew how to convey my message was through a story.

Now think of it this way. What if, when the King came to the beggar with the ring, the beggar threw it at His feet and yelled THAT'S NOT THE ONE I WANTED!!

Could you imagine? The King was offering a gift to this man. Blessings. A home beyond anything the beggar could imagine. And for nothing in return. The price was paid.

I was reading an article the other day. It was horrible. It was discussing China's one child policy. Here's a link to the article but BE WARNED the photo is heart wrenching. It's nothing I wanted to see. But sometimes we need to see to wake us up. Here's the link

It told of how a pregnant lady was kidnapped from a fair. Taken against her will to a facility and forcibly held down to be given a vaccination to induce her labor. This lady was 7 months pregnant. This child could have survived. But instead this little one's life was snuffed out shortly after it's first cry.

That's just China though. Right?

Wrong. Here in the good old US of A abortions happen every day. On one search I found a facility that would either do or give a referral for an abortion for up to 36 weeks. People, 40 weeks is full term!!! My twin brothers were born at 36 weeks!!! What has happened to our conscious?!? Where is our conviction?!?

I created this blog to be a voice for the children.

Our children are our future. They are a GIFT FROM GOD!! (Psalm 127:3) When abortions happen we are no different than the beggar throwing the ring back at our King saying THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED!

Now I understand I have embarked on a very controversial issue. But I also understand that this IS a matter of life and death. Everyday. So in order to do what I have set out to do I must speak up. I must be a voice for the children. Especially the ones who will never be given an opportunity to speak.

Abortion is wrong. There's no light way to put it. There is always another way. There are even places and people willing to cover all medical costs for an expecting woman.

My plea, and hope behind this blog post is not to condemn anyone. Not at all. We all have fallen short and I am no exception. But the message I want to convey is simple. Be a voice. Do something to make life possible for someone who would otherwise not have that opportunity. Adopt maybe or if you have a friend who is expecting a child and is contemplating an abortion be there for her. Stand in the gap. Let's all do something to save lives. Our children are our future. Let's protect them.

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